Monday, January 29

medicom 12" luke skywalker

my favourite luke's outfit.

medicom 12" darth vader

one of the best 12" darth vader ever produced.

Sunday, January 28

medicom 12" ultraman type c, ultraseven & zoffy

thanks to khoo & aaron for getting ultraseven for me.

Thursday, January 25

medicom dx 12" 仮面ライダー stronger & tackle

thanks to my father-in-law for bringing stronger back from japan.

Saturday, January 20

medicom 12" 覚悟のススメ・強化外骨格”零”

覚悟のススメ is a manga created by Yamaguchi Takayuki (山口貴由). didn't read the comic before, but it should be popular enough otherwise medicom wouldn't produce a 12" figure out of it.

Friday, January 19

medicom 12" casshern 新造人間キャシャーン

shinzo ningen casshern (新造人間キャシャーン shinzō ningen kyashān). an anime series created by animation studio tatsunoko productions in 1973. a live action feature film base on it was made in 2004, directed by Kiriya Kazuaki (紀里谷和明).

medicom 12" cobra

space adventure cobra, manga created by Buichi Terasawa (寺沢武一). he was an apprentice under the lengendary Osamu Tezuka (手塚治虫) in the 70s.

Thursday, January 18

ohtsuka kikaku 8" 装甲騎兵ボトムズ キリコ・キュービー

lead character in scopedog (装甲騎兵ボトムズ). didn't watch the animation before, but like this character design. i like orange. :)

Wednesday, January 17

miracle house 12" wild seven (ワイルド7)

飛葉大陸, the leading character in the classic manga, wild seven (ワイルド7), created by 望月三起也 in 1969.

medicom 12" lupin the 3rd (ルパン三世)

lupin the 3rd (ルパン三世) is an anime and manga series originally created by manga artist Kazuhiko Kato (加藤一彦). episodes 7 through 23 were directed by Hayao Miyazaki (宮崎 駿) and Isao Takahata (高畑 勲), who both went on to form the world famous Studio Ghibli.

Monday, January 15

Sunday, January 14

alfrex 12" 必殺 (中村主水)

know nothing about this guy and the movie. the last samurai 12" figure i bought. still looking out for the seven samurai.

Saturday, January 13

alfrex 12" toshirô mifune (三船敏郎)

beautiful 12" figure of Toshirô Mifune (三船敏郎) from the movie "samurai" (侍). he also starred in many Akira Kurosawa (黑泽明) movies.

medicom 12" 仮面ライダーblack

the series is often regarded as a classic and is considered by many to be one of the best tokusatsu shows of the late 80's.
counting down to the release of deluxe type.

Friday, January 12

medicom 12" ichi the killer (殺し屋1)

ichi the killer (殺し屋1), a film directed by Takashi Miike, adapted from a manga by Hideo Yamamoto.

medicom 12" 仮面ライダー the first

the design of kamen rider the first is so beautiful.
but the movie is such a flop that i almost miss these figures. %@)

Thursday, January 11

medicom 12" batman begins

my favourite batman movie til now. still looking out for the takara version of the 12" figure. :)

toys mccoy 12" indiana jones

the highest retailed priced 12" figure i've ever bought. love the movies, one of the best trilogy ever created. %))

medicom 12" kumo-otoko

the first villain in the kamen rider series in 1971.

medicom 12" shadowmoon (世紀王シャドームーン).

the most popular villain in the kamen rider series.

medicom 12" judge dredd

the first retailed 12" figure in the medicom real action hero series (rah 001). the figure that started it all.

takara 12" golgo 13 (ゴルゴ13)

golgo 13 (ゴルゴ13), original manga created by Taiko Saito, a pioneer in the new comics called "Gekiga" - laced with mature themes that revolutionized the japanese comic scene in the 1960.

Wednesday, January 10

LNSers portraits series 012

susie. latest LNSer. welcome.

LNSers portraits series 011

cindy. 田田涵妮. walao.

LNSers portraits series 010

ryan. buffet must ask him along.

LNSers portraits series 009

ferine. hmmm......

LNSers portraits series 008

tj. just married.

LNSers portraits series 007

calvin. going to be papa soon.

LNSers portraits series 006

adrian. from mauritius, marseille & manu fan, pui!

LNSers portraits series 005

josef. must try to play poker with him one day.

LNSers portraits series 004

alvin. he collects zoids.

LNSers portraits series 003

alice. most chio a lao lian.

LNSers portraits series 002

william. he collect gundams.

LNSers portraits series 001

tang. jeremygangbangtangmurren.

Tuesday, January 9

medicom 12" rocketeer

the version 01 was selling at ridiculous price until a version 02 was released.
can't really remember the movie though, but can never forget jennifer connelly, and she is still so gorgeous.

medicom rah 003, 009 & 010

thought the original rah riders still look good though.

junplanning nightmare before christmas

love the movie and the characters! both my girls are fans too!

alfrex 12" zatoichi (座頭市)

zatoichi (座頭市) potrayed by Katsu Shintarō(勝新太郎) . didn't watch any of his movie though. but did catch the remake by Takeshi Kitano.

medicom 12" blackjack (ブラック・ジャック)

created by Tezuka Osamu (手塚 治虫), the legendary "father of manga" in the 1970s.

Monday, January 8

buying memories...

used to have these ultraman80 cards when i was a kid back in the 80s. 30 cents per pack, comes with 4 cards, 1 sticker & a piece of chewing gum.
back then chewing gum is still allow in singapore.

sic kamen rider hibiki (仮面ライダー響鬼)

saw the movie version and fell in luv with the design of the characters. certainly the most different & daring design in the history of kamen rider series. cant wait for the medicom 12" figure. #%

kidrobot gorillaz.

gorillaz is a british virtual band. the band was created by damon albarn from the brit-pop band blur, and jamie hewlett, the co-creator of the comic book tank girl. @%)

medicom 12" snake

not really a big fan of the game, but love the graphic and design of it. pretty detailed 12" figure by medicom.

medicom 12" devilman

created by Nagai Gō (永井豪) in 1972. a movie version was released in 2004, kind of a flop though. : P

medicom 12" 謎の剣士月の輪 & 変身忍者嵐

another creation by Ishinomori Shōtarō (石ノ森 章太郎). really weird looking though.

medicom 12" captain harlock (宇宙海賊キャプテンハーロック)

one of my favourite character design, created by
Matsumoto Reiji (松本 零士).

medicom 12" cyborg 009

classic character created by the father of kamen rider, Ishinomori Shōtarō (石ノ森 章太郎). animation has been re-produced recently

medicom 12" ashita no joe & rikiishi

one of the best comic ever created in japan's manga history. anybody who read it would never forget the last page of this all time classic.

medicom dx 12" 仮面ライダー x

the only deluxe series that i bought at its issued time cause my old X's clothing colour chipped off.